Macos Open Textedit From Terminal

  1. Macos Open Textedit From Terminal Mac
  2. Macos Open Textedit From Terminal Download
  3. Macos Open Textedit From Terminal To Access

Question or issue on macOS:

Is there a way to make files opened for editing in the terminal open in Textedit instead?

For example, where a command might open a file for editing (like git commit), instead of opening that file in vim or emacs, it would open in Textedit (or perhaps another text editing application of your choosing, such as Coda or Sublime).

And as a bonus question, is there any way to specifically configure git to automatically open the file created after running git commit in an editor from the applications directory?

How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

Most programs will check the $EDITOR environment variable, so you can set that to the path of TextEdit in your bashrc. Git will use this as well.

How to do this:
  • Add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:
    export EDITOR='/Applications/'
  • or just type the following command into your Terminal:
    echo 'export EDITOR='/Applications/' >> ~/.bashrc

Step 1: Open TextEdit Application. To write your code, you will use a text editor application included on all Mac OS X operating systems. For more complex computer programming projects, it is recommended to use a java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to edit your code. When you have finished editing your files, you can quit the new TextEdit instance and you should see the Terminal shell drop back to the command prompt, after which you can also quit the Terminal. First, it is easier to use, and second, it does not require the Terminal remain open: open -a appname. In this command, replace “appname” with the name of your desired app, and it should launch. Note that by default this command will, similar to the OS X graphical environment, only open one instance of an app, so if the program is already.

If you are using zsh, use ~/.zshrc instead of ~/.bashrc.

Macos Open Textedit From Terminal Mac

Solution no. 2:

Use git config --global core.editor mate -w or git config --global core.editor open as @dmckee suggests in the comments.


Solution no. 3:

For OS X and Sublime Text

Make subl available.

Put this in ~/.bash_profile


Put this in ~/.bashrc

Solution no. 4:

For anyone coming here in 2018:

  • go to iTerm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Advanced -> Semantic History
  • from the dropdown, choose Open with Editor and from the right dropdown choose your editor of choice

Solution no. 5:

Set your editor to point to this program:

With SVN, you should set SVN_EDITOR environment variable to:

And then, when you try committing something, TextEdit will launch.

Solution no. 6:

For Sublime Text 3:

See Set TextMate as the default text editor on Mac OS X for details.

Solution no. 7:

If you want the editor to work with git operations, setting the $EDITOR environment variable may not be enough, at least not in the case of Sublime – e.g. if you want to rebase, it will just say that the rebase was successful, but you won’t have a chance to edit the file in any way, git will just close it straight away:

If you want Sublime to work correctly with git, you should configure it using:

I came here looking for this and found the solution in this gist on github.

Solution no. 8:

make Sublime Text 3 your default text editor: (Restart required)

make sublime then your default git text editor
git config --global core.editor 'subl -W'

Hope this helps!

Macos open textedit from terminal to another

Question or issue on macOS:

In the Windows command prompt, I can type notepad helloworld.cpp which will then create a .cpp file with the name helloworld and open up Notepad for me.

Is there a similar function for Mac Terminal, preferably with Textmate or Textedit?

Macos open textedit from terminal download

I’m running Mac OS X Lion 10.7, with Xcode developers tool.

How to solve this problem?

Macos Open Textedit From Terminal Download

Solution no. 1:

There are plenty of ways. Try:

  1. vi <filename you want to save or open.cpp>,
  2. pico,
  3. Open /Applications/ <filename>.

Solution no. 2:

The option -e is used to open the file <filename> with TextEdit.

Solution no. 3:

Simply use open <filename> command as described in this article. It will open an app associated with the file type.

Use open -e to open /Applications/TextEdit

Solution no. 4:

About some of the previous suggestions here – you can use open command combined with a flag to open a file with specific application:

open -a [appname] [filename]

but if [filename] doesn’t exist it displays an error the file doesn't exists or something like that, and doesn’t create the required file, as you have requested.

Write the following to your ~/.bashrc file (if that file doesn’t exists, you can create it by writing touch ~/.bashrc inside the terminal):

And use it like this:

open2 [appname] [filename]

Note that appname is an application in your installed application folder (/Applications).

The command touch creates you the required file (don’t worry, if the file exists it won’t remove / reset the current file, only redefine the modification time to the current time).

Solution no. 5:

The problem with:


is that you have no control on the modes: Plain Text or RichText.

E.g. if you try to open an HTML file, TextEdit will open it in the Rich Text mode, not in the Plain Text mode, as expected. Then switching to the Plain Text mode will not show the HTML tags.
I could not find a Terminal command to activate the Open option:

or the Preference setting:

As far as I can see, even an osascript won’t solve the case.

Macos Open Textedit From Terminal To Access

This is unfortunate since is the only text editor that is present for sure. Not all Mac users have installed BBedit, TextMate, or any other third party editor and even less users have defined a “default editor”.

Solution no. 6:

If your using text mate you can set it up to work with terminal

Taken from

Once you’ve got mate into your path you can type the following into the terminal

if you want text mate to display all files in a folder as a project drawer

Solution no. 7:

Go to Preferences (⌘+,) & install shell support.

Then you could open any files from terminal with:


Solution no. 8:

The answer to the question, for me, was:


Hope this helps!